Launches PDF Collaboration

There are 2.5 trillion PDFs in existence. Let that sink in. That’s over 300 PDFs for every person on the planet. PDFs have long been the preferred downloaded file format. Why?  If you have a presentation, a memo, or any digital document, the PDF is durable and serves as a familiar stand in for the physical documents we no longer use. 

But there’s always been one glaring problem with the PDF: have you ever tried commenting on one?

PDF collaboration is downright miserable. There is simply no efficient way to comment on a PDF document, share that document with others, have all comments live in one version, and allow everyone to see and make comments in real time.

A user in our PDF beta program described the problem extremely well: “Previously we couldn’t work on the same PDF document at the same time. So you get five or six or more different versions and then trying to manage that and make sure everyone’s answers were fed back into the same version. Controlling that was a nightmare. And we couldn’t find a central way to do it because not everyone has Creative Cloud, not everyone could hook it up into Sharepoint so you couldn’t log in and comment via that method. It was all just a mess. A total mess.”

We know it’s a mess.

So today, is changing all that.’s PDF Collaboration Feature

You can now upload any PDF, add comments across every page, and still invite unlimited collaborators. You no longer have to worry about being in the correct PDF version, making sure that all comments are in the same document, or having a seat in the right software.

When we started, our vision was to make collaborating on any content across the internet frictionless. The product began with websites, expanded to images, and now we’ve found ourselves at PDFs. While we’ve expanded our types of content, our focus has never been clearer on driving maximum value for you and any user.

Whether you’re commenting on a website, image, or now, a PDF,’s purpose is to make collaboration the easiest part of your content creation workflow.

Over to You

With 2.5 trillion PDFs in existence, there’s a damn good chance a few of those have fallen into your possession. If PDF collaboration has been a headache, then is your Tylenol. 

Upload any PDF. Comment. Collaborate. Connect Your Team.

We hope you get as much value out of’s PDF collaboration as we did joy in bringing it to you.

You can create your first PDF project here. To learn how to annotate PDFs, check out our guide!

Happy commenting 🙂