8 expert web development tips to help you scale up in 2024

Can you *really* talk about web development without throwing around fancy industry buzzwords? 

Not quite.

Here’s the deal, all those techy words – coding, JavaScript, Python, CSS, back-end development, HTML – aren’t just some alphabet soup. 

Nope, they’re the brick and mortar holding our precious digital world together.

GIF Source: Tenor

But becoming a whizz at web development isn’t just about coding chops and learning the latest programming lingo. 

To truly push the envelope in 2024, you need to embrace a well-rounded approach, packed full of strategies and insights. Keep scrolling for some killer strategies to turbocharge your web development skills!

Table of contents

  1. Tip #1: Collaboration changes everything
  2. Tip #2: Don’t snooze on security
  3. Tip #3: You don’t have to code 24/7
  4. Tip #4: Embrace advice, not experience
  5. Tip #5: Comment on your codes
  6. Tip #6: Contribute to open-source projects
  7. Tip #7: Test, test, and test 
  8. Tip #8: Keep the mind healthy and your body healthier

Tip #1: Collaboration changes everything

The journey to the top of the web development industry shouldn’t be a lonely one. 

Picture it more like a fun-filled road trip where everyone’s got something special in their backpack. 

For example, before you even put your fingers to the keyboard to start writing codes, you’ll be relying on user experience (UX) gurus to hand over their slick designs. 

And sure, you might have a few web design tricks up your sleeve, but are you seriously considering juggling content creation, customer research, and user testing all by your lonesome? 

Unless you’re tapping into the genius of both Einstein and Hawking (and have their productivity to boot), that’s a tall order. 🤷

That’s why you need a web development team. They’re your support network when project hurdles pop up. Together, you can cook up solutions, tackle issues head-on, and keep things moving smoothly.

But teaming up offers more than just a ‘we can fix-it!’ crew: 

  • New angles spark creativity like nothing else. 
  • Many eyes on the job catch pesky bugs early. 
  • Insights from your teammates take project quality up a notch. 
  • Lessons learned from past project hiccups help you steer clear of future speed bumps. 
  • By getting your collaborate-on (see what I did there?), you’ll evolve as a software developer, drawing not just from your own experiences, but also soaking up the wisdom of your peers.
Image Source: Twitter

Now, working in a team isn’t every developer’s cup of tea. But guess what? 

There’s a toolkit for that. 

Take MarkUp.io, for example. 

This collaboration tool makes teaming up a breeze with handy features like effortless file sharing, convenient annotations, and streamlined review processes. 

The payoff? Better feedback and even more impressive products. 

Just remember, as you fling open those doors to team collaboration, make sure you’ve got the locks in place. Keeping your files safe is just as crucial as effective teamwork.

Tip #2: Don’t snooze on security

Sure, being a top-notch web developer means nailing that code and ensuring a smooth user experience. 

But imagine this – you’ve poured your heart and soul into your code, only to end up with a hacked site. 

Talk about a reputation killer. 😢

Let’s be real: developers are the tech world’s rockstars. You don’t want to be that one band member who’s always hitting the wrong notes. To put it plainly, security isn’t a luxury—it’s a necessity. And not just for your street cred but also to: 

  • Keep your project safe from unwanted digital gatecrashers. 
  • Safeguard users’ precious data. 
  • Stop potential threats in their tracks. 
  • Build and sustain trust with your clients and users. Trust me, they’ll thank you for it.

If you’ve been hitting the snooze button on security while writing codes, it’s time to wake up. Make writing secure codes a top priority and beef up the defenses of the web apps you create.

Here’s how you can amp up your security game:

  • Shrink that code: In the tech world, “minification” is a fancy way of saying “trim the excess.” It amps up your site’s performance by ditching unnecessary spaces and line breaks from your code. The cherry on top? It turns writing codes into a tough puzzle, putting off any wannabe hackers. 
  • Code obfuscation: This  translates your code into text that’s difficult to read or understand. You could say it’s Morse code for your code. 😉
  • Frequent code check-ups: Keep your eyes peeled. Regularly sift through your code for any weak links and patch them up pronto. Better still, splash out on tools that auto-scan your code and fend off threats like a pro.

I get it—deadlines are always looming. But cutting corners to beat the clock? That’s a risky move. You might inadvertently leave behind security loopholes, rolling out the red carpet for hackers.

If security hasn’t been on your radar, now’s the time to change that tune. And speaking of change, here’s a curveball tip you might not expect…

Tip #3: You don’t have to code 24/7 

Here’s something that might have you doing a double-take – you don’t need to be coding every single day. 

Yes, you heard that correctly.

While the common mantra is that hammering out code daily polishes up your skills, we’re of a different school of thought: “Dare to grow.” 

Sure, getting your code-on daily sounds great on paper, but let’s be real—with life’s other juggling acts, it’s not always a walk in the park. Laravel web developer Ash Allen hit the nail on the head when he emphasized the importance of consistent practice.

Image Source: Twitter

Wondering how to amp up your skills without being chained to coding round-the-clock? 

Start by focusing on smart learning over sheer grind. Here’s how:

  • Craft a doable coding routine: If you’re up for daily coding, fantastic! But remember, consistency is the magic word. Find your groove that fits like a glove and stick with it. 
  • Get hooked on web development podcasts: Tune into treasures like Syntax, JS Party, and ShopTalk. And while you’re at it, sprinkle in a few webinars for some extra razzle dazzle. ✨
  • Play around with APIs and plugins: Hunt down tools that can supercharge your workflow. 
  • Dive into search engine optimization (SEO): A truly versatile developer knows their way around SEO. 
  • Teamwork makes the dream work: Join forces with experts from areas like digital marketing, data analytics, or product management. Fresh perspectives can be a real eye-opener. 
  • Tap into online communities: Hangouts like the web development subreddit on Reddit are goldmines for networking and swapping insights. 

However, a word to the wise: While it’s awesome to learn from seasoned pros, always filter advice through your own perspective. Not every nugget of “expert” wisdom is worth its weight in gold.

Tip #4: Embrace advice, not experience

When you’re hunting for solutions to challenges, be choosy about whose advice you take on board. 

Just because someone pitches in with their two cents, doesn’t mean their pearls of wisdom are tailor-made for your predicament. 

Sure, folks will be quick to share their perspectives, but the real question is: Does their advice truly align with what you need at this moment?

Image Source: Twitter

Sometimes, their advice might just be based on a tiny sliver of evidence or a single example they’re familiar with. 

Let’s say you’re busily crafting an e-commerce platform that’s a sibling to Amazon. 

Although the advice from experienced SaaS WordPress front-end developers could be handy, they might not perfectly fit the bill for your project. 

Sure, they’re pros at what they do, but does their expertise really hit the nail on the head for your specific issue? 

Probably not. So, what’s the takeaway? 

Seek wisdom from those who’ve tread the same path. Take a peek at their past projects and share your vision with them. If they’re truly in sync with your needs, then it’s time to drink in their insights.

Tip #5: Comment on your codes

Ever jotted down a killer idea, only to forget what it was all about later? 

And then, just when it clicks, someone else is already making it happen. 

Bummer! If only you’d jotted down a few more details to jog your memory. 🤦

Well, in the web development universe, this is where code comments swoop in to save the day. Picture them as little post-it notes to your future self (or any other curious soul peeking at your code) when you’re crafting your codes. They provide context, ensuring the original spark behind the code keeps on shining.

Wondering why you should scatter a few comments in your code? 

  • Easy readability: Makes your code a breeze to glide through. 
  • Handy reminders: Useful when you circle back to a project for tweaks, no matter how much time has passed. 
  • Bug busters: Helps spot and squash pesky bugs, as comments light up what the code’s meant to do. 
  • Team harmony: When collaborating with others, comments ensure everyone’s on the same page.

The bottom line? Commenting is a win-win for you and anyone else diving into your code. Just a word to the wise: avoid spilling any secrets in those comments! 

As you navigate the vast waters of web development, here’s another treasure map: open-source projects. 

Tip #6: Contribute to open-source projects

Consider open-source projects like the freewheeling jam sessions of the coding universe. 

It’s a melting pot where seasoned veterans and bright-eyed beginners mingle, each adding their unique touch to the blend. 

But it’s more than just a sandbox. It’s a platform where you can sharpen your skills, strut your stuff, and rub shoulders with some of the industry’s finest. 

Beyond that, pitching into open-source creative projects can also: 

  • Ramp up your problem-solving skills as a developer. 
  • Keep you in the loop with the latest trends. 
  • Let you be part of something bigger than yourself. 
  • Get your code critiqued by experienced developers and your code-crunching heroes. 
  • Build bridges with other programmers on the project. 
  • Help you pick up new skills and stack up a portfolio. 

It’s a win-win for devs, as it helps pave the way for your web development career.

Scratching your head over where to dig up these open-source projects? 

Here are a few tips: 

  • Platforms like GitHub or GitLab are crammed full of open-source projects. 
  • Look for open-source projects on Open Source Friday. 
  • Open-source initiatives like the Mozilla Foundation or Linux Foundation often champion open-source endeavors. 

Sometimes, the top tips come from your own team. A personal nod can take you a long way.

And while you’re immersing yourself in open-source and other projects, here’s another golden nugget: Make it a habit to test your codes.

It’s like tuning your guitar; it ensures you’re always on point. 🎸

Tip #7: Test, test, and test 

Remember that gut-churning feeling that usually came with looming midterm exams back in high school? Unless you were a whizz kid, tests probably weren’t your best friend. But they were crucial – they let teachers check if you really had your head around the lesson. 

In the wild world of website development, testing plays a pretty similar gig. It’s your safety net to make sure your code is doing its thing flawlessly, ensuring web pages are running like a well-oiled machine. 

One of the most frustrating things that can happen to full-stack developers is spending hours coding and then getting different results when you test the web pages. 

The antidote? Regularly test bite-sized pieces of your code to make sure they’re playing nice. 

You might be thinking, “Isn’t that what QA is for?” Well, not quite.

GIF Source: Giphy

QA teams are like the final gatekeepers. They put the entire web app through its paces, acting like end users to spot what’s sailing smoothly and what’s hitting the rocks. 

If you chuck them your code without a self-check, you’re heaping on extra work and stretching out the project timeline. So, step up to the plate. Sniff out those sneaky bugs early and save everyone a ton of time.

Here’s your cheat sheet to nailing those code tests: 

  • JavaScript testing: Tools like Mocha or Jasmine, behavior-driven development frameworks, are your trusty sidekicks. 
  • Integration testing: Make sure all the functions in your code are… well, functioning. 
  • Simulate user interactions: Use Selenium WebDriver to copycat front-end user actions and check if everything’s ticking along nicely.

For each code chunk, consider three tests: 

  • Success test: Is everything running like clockwork? 
  • Failure test: How does it behave when the chips are down? 
  • Malform tests: How does it respond to unexpected, off-the-wall user actions?

This way, you’re always in the loop, ready to tweak and fine-tune on the fly. 

And remember, while you’re diligently testing your code, don’t forget to take a pause and look after number one – you.

Tip #8: Keep the mind healthy and your body healthier

Coding isn’t just a job; it’s a marathon. Frequently, you’re hunched over the screen, hammering out commands like:

display: block; overflow: hidden;

Sound familiar?

Sure, it’s electrifying to breathe life into ideas through code, but those long hours hunched over the keyboard? They’re not exactly a picnic for your body or mind. Over time, this can start to wear you down. 

So, how do you find that sweet spot? Here’s your playbook for staying sharp and fighting fit:

✅Watch your posture. Keeping your back straight can make a world of difference. 

✅Get moving. Aim for three to four gym sessions a week. 

✅Keep a water bottle on hand. Stay hydrated to keep your mind alert. 

✅Say no to junk food. Fresh, nutrient-rich foods are your go-to. 

✅Consider a quick meditation session before you dive headfirst into coding.

✅Aim for a solid eight to nine hours of beauty sleep. 

✅Think about investing in a standing desk. 

✅Set reminders to stretch those limbs and take quick breaks. 

✅Find a hobby outside of the coding world. 

By putting your well-being first, you’ll be in peak condition every time you fire up your computer.


Alright, tech aficionados, feeling geared up for your web dev journey? 

Just one more trick up your sleeve, and you’ll be unstoppable.

Your turn

Did you notice how this guide kept circling back to collaboration? 

That’s no coincidence. 

To truly scale the heights as a web developer, you need insights from your teammates, clients, stakeholders, and end users. 

Speaking of feedback, meet MarkUp.io. It’s your go-to hub for smooth team collaboration. 

With user-friendly file sharing and review features, collecting feedback is a piece of cake. Not only will you save precious time, but you’ll also deliver projects with a touch of panache. 

Ready to give it a whirl? Dive into a free 14-day trial with MarkUp.io and experience the joy of smoother collaboration firsthand.